
Click-Tracking (for physical provision as an HTML5 zip file)

The ad server of the marketer can only measure the clicks on an HTML5 ad correctly if a click-sensitive area which forwards the user to the client target page is implemented in the creative code (HTML5 of the creative agency) and it is possible to insert ad server macros for the counting of clicks.

When being served, ads that are delivered to iq digital physically as HTML5 zip files are implemented as cross-domain iFrame. We therefore recommend the OVK-standardised procedure for the transfer of the marketer ad server macro for the counting of clicks and client click-through for forwarding to the client target page via GET parameter.

clicktag transfer for HTML5 ad presentations in line with OVK guidelines

The following procedure is required based on the OVK guidelines to ensure that the ad server of the marketer can track clicks within the HTML5 iFrame:

The written format for the clicktag is: clicktag
The written format for multi-clicktags is: clicktag, clicktag2, clicktag3
Link: The link to the landing page must open a new window.

The agency must integrate the following code lines in the HTML5 ad to transfer the clicktag:

  var getUriParams = function() {
    var query_string = {}, query = window.location.search.substring(1), parmsArray = query.split('&');
    if(parmsArray.length <= 0) return query_string;
    for(var i = 0; i < parmsArray.length; i++) {
      var pair = parmsArray[i].split('=');
      var val = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
      if (val != '' && pair[0] != '') query_string[pair[0]] = val;
    return query_string;

Example: HTML and assignment of the links:

<a href="#clicktag" target="_blank" id="clicktag">IAB clicktag</a>
<a href="#clicktag2" target= "_blank" id=" clicktag2">IAB clicktag</a>

These Javascript lines can then be used to assign the clicktags to the HTML elements of your ad presentation:

  document.getElementById('clicktag').setAttribute('href', getUriParams.clicktag);
  document.getElementById('clicktag2').setAttribute('href', getUriParams.clicktag2);

Function test of the clicktag GET parameter for transfer to the ad:

The creative agency must test the ads for functioning clicktag transfer so that unnecessary feedback loops are avoided.



%LANDINGPAGE% must be replaced by a test target page and must be transferred in URL‐encoded mode (encodeURIComponent‐Funktion).

In the case of multi-click integration, the test must be supplemented by further clicktag parameters in (&)-separated mode:


Separate listing of multi-clicktags within an ad is not possible in the marketer report. Clicks are always listed cumulatively per ad format in the marketer report.


Delivery: Provide the clicktag/landing page combinations in your ad mail.